Let Us Be Thankful
by Mutsuko Johnson
We eat so many different kinds of food each and every day. And each food receives incredible energy from the Sun, the Earth, the Rain and the Wind … gifts from Nature.
The energy of life is transformed, from the Universe to the Grove to the Earth to the vegetables and grains then into our body.
There are four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Learning and watching from the moon that has its own cycle of moving around the Earth.
Nature has its own rhythms and cycles. How interesting and exciting to watch!
Fascinating relationship between Nature and Us!
We as humans, as part of the natural world.
We are One. We are One.
Let us be Thankful to Nature and all the lives on this planet Earth.
Whole Foods Cooking Connects us With Nature
As we can see we are part of this planet Earth. It is helpful to eat more nature-friendly food, also called earth-friendly food. When we look how our ancestors eat to survive and live, they have mainly eaten whole grains on different part of the planet. Wheat is eaten throughout Europe. Rye is more in the northern part of Europe. Kasha has been enjoyed in Russia. Rice is the main food to eat in most of Asia. Corn and quinoa have been enjoyed in South America. You get the idea. Our ancestors ate local grown food!
Therefore, the most ideal way to enjoy earth-friendly food is the food that grows closest to where we live.
We become part of the environment.
Cooking is one of the most important actions in taking care of our daily well-being.
We eat every day and who we are is what we eat.
Old Zen teaching: How you do anything is how you do everything.
Let us connect with the Nature through cooking.
Let us enjoy cooking each and every time we cook.
Cooking then becomes meditation and true joy.
Happy Cooking!
The energy of life is transformed, from the Universe to the Grove to the Earth to the vegetables and grains then into our body.
There are four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter.
- The energy of the spring is a sprouting, evolving energy. The fresh plants want to come out and grow.
- The energy of the summer is a strong, growing energy under the powerful sunlight. Taller and greener.
- The energy of the autumn is time for the harvest, golden grains of rice, humbly head down, waiting for the harvest.
- The energy of the winter is time to rest and be quiet waiting for spring to arrive.
Learning and watching from the moon that has its own cycle of moving around the Earth.
Nature has its own rhythms and cycles. How interesting and exciting to watch!
- Watch the tide of the ocean by the sea.
- In and out, 18 times per minute.
- Our Breath also, 18 times per minute!
- Is there any connection or relation?
- 18 x 2 = 36
- 36 Celsius is human’s temperature.
- 36 x 2 = 72
- 72 is human’s heart beat per minute.
Fascinating relationship between Nature and Us!
We as humans, as part of the natural world.
We are One. We are One.
Let us be Thankful to Nature and all the lives on this planet Earth.
Whole Foods Cooking Connects us With Nature
As we can see we are part of this planet Earth. It is helpful to eat more nature-friendly food, also called earth-friendly food. When we look how our ancestors eat to survive and live, they have mainly eaten whole grains on different part of the planet. Wheat is eaten throughout Europe. Rye is more in the northern part of Europe. Kasha has been enjoyed in Russia. Rice is the main food to eat in most of Asia. Corn and quinoa have been enjoyed in South America. You get the idea. Our ancestors ate local grown food!
Therefore, the most ideal way to enjoy earth-friendly food is the food that grows closest to where we live.
We become part of the environment.
Cooking is one of the most important actions in taking care of our daily well-being.
We eat every day and who we are is what we eat.
Old Zen teaching: How you do anything is how you do everything.
Let us connect with the Nature through cooking.
Let us enjoy cooking each and every time we cook.
Cooking then becomes meditation and true joy.
Happy Cooking!
Chewing and Teeth
Let’s look at three different kinds of teeth.
Total of 32 teeth (it is good to chew eat mouthful 32 times to respect our teeth!).
Number of molars/incisors/canines = 20/8/4.
This gives us a ratio of molars/incisors/canines of 5/2/1.
This gives us a general idea of our different kinds of teeth and that tells us what kinds of foods to choose and in what proportions. Let us respect our teeth and give them all something to chew!
Molars can grind grains well like a grist mill. ("In many mammals, they are used to grind food during chewing; hence the Latin name mola, 'millstone.'" - from Wikipedia)
Incisors can cut vegetable like vegetable knives.
Canines can cut and chew animal foods.
Remember, we don’t have teeth in our stomach and chewing well helps digest food.
When we chew well, we are more present to what we are eating. The food tastes delicious, satisfying and we eat less. Good information for dieters! Chewing can also be relaxing. Chewing can become a form of meditation.
Happy chewing!
- Canine: Carnivores like lions and tigers. We humans have four canine teeth.
- Incisors: Herbivores like horses. We humans have eight incisors.
- Molars: Herbivores like cows. We humans have 20 molars.
Total of 32 teeth (it is good to chew eat mouthful 32 times to respect our teeth!).
Number of molars/incisors/canines = 20/8/4.
This gives us a ratio of molars/incisors/canines of 5/2/1.
This gives us a general idea of our different kinds of teeth and that tells us what kinds of foods to choose and in what proportions. Let us respect our teeth and give them all something to chew!
Molars can grind grains well like a grist mill. ("In many mammals, they are used to grind food during chewing; hence the Latin name mola, 'millstone.'" - from Wikipedia)
Incisors can cut vegetable like vegetable knives.
Canines can cut and chew animal foods.
Remember, we don’t have teeth in our stomach and chewing well helps digest food.
When we chew well, we are more present to what we are eating. The food tastes delicious, satisfying and we eat less. Good information for dieters! Chewing can also be relaxing. Chewing can become a form of meditation.
Happy chewing!
Mutsuko is available for individual or group cooking classes, cooking parties, and as a personal chef in your home.
She lives in Tucker, GA Contact: 404.518.5068 or [email protected]
She lives in Tucker, GA Contact: 404.518.5068 or [email protected]